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Sports Dentistry

We understand our patients here at Fairfield Pediatric Dentistry are involved of all sorts of activities and because of this Dr. Skelton and Dr. Kennedy want to make sure they understand how to properly care for their bright smiles while having fun. Injuries to the teeth and mouth are common among athletes. It’s important to protect your child’s smile if he or she plays sports, for aesthetics as well as for health reasons.

Common Dental Injuries in Sports

Tooth knocked out:

  • Time is the most important factor when trying to save a tooth, so get to your dentist as soon as possible. It is best to re-implant the tooth in the socket immediately.
  • The best liquid to transport a tooth in is cold milk. If milk is not available, have your child spit in a cup and utilize their saliva.
  • Don’t let the tooth dry out and don’t wrap it in anything.
  • Don’t touch the tooth root if you can avoid it.
  • If the tooth knocked out is a baby tooth, do not try and re-implant the tooth.

Tooth chipped/cracked:

  • We will likely use an X-ray of the tooth to determine the treatment necessary.
  • For a serious chip that exposes the pulp of the tooth, get to our office as soon as possible.
  • If a tooth is chipped or cracked, sometimes the tooth can be fixed with a filling or bonding.
  • Sometimes a tooth is cracked or chipped in a way affecting the nerve of the tooth, and a more complicated treatment may be needed.

Tooth displaced:

  • If a tooth is moved due to trauma, come see us as soon as possible.
  • Do not try to move the tooth back on your own.
  • For any mouth discomfort before you get to the dentist, apply ice.

Preventing Injury

One of the best ways to prevent injury to your child’s teeth and mouth is to have him or her to wear a mouthguard while playing sports. There are several types of mouthguards to choose from, and Dr. Skelton and Dr. Kennedy can help you choose the best one for your child’s particular needs.
